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Top 5 essay writing tips for freshman students

Every year millions of college freshman enter the doors of their respective university. These freshman have been through four years of high school that has prepared them for work at the university level. However, nothing can prepare you for writing essay in college then going through the experience of it. There are a few tips that will help a college freshman work their way through a college essay. These are some of the most important essays that a student will ever write and can set the tone for their collegiate careers. Below are five great tips for freshman students that will help them write an essay.

  • Tip #1
  • Prepare for the essay by researching essays that previous writers have written. It is important for students to have an example or template that they can use to create a new piece of work. It is important that freshman do not recopy or reproduce the same work as another writer. If a student reproduces the same work as another writer they can be placed on academic punishment.

  • Tip#2
  • Ask questions! This is very important if you do not understand a essay question or a subject then it is important that you ask your teacher to clarify. If you do not fully understand a essay question or subject then you can possibly receive a failing mark for not writing about the correct topic. These essays are worth more than those in high school and can really influence your overall collegiate GPA.

  • Tip#3
  • When writing an introduction it is a good idea to write about the history or background of the subject. These are great ways to introduce the topic to the reader. Start from the beginning of the topics and work your way through its evolution in time. This works great for topics about person, places, and products. Many teachers will mark you down for a poor introduction as this is a major part of the paper.

  • Tip#4
  • The majority of students struggle with the transitional phrase or sentence. This sentence comes right after the introduction and works as a transition from introduction to the first body paragraph. It is important that this transition is fluid and smooth, it should naturally lead a reader into the next paragraph. You can make use of transitional words such as: in addition to, in light of, and likewise.

  • Tip#5
  • Conclusions serve two purposes. The first purpose is to summarize the information that was stated within the paper. This will help remind the reader about what they have read. A good conclusion points out the key parts of a paper and reviews them. The second purpose of a conclusion is to tie up any loose ends. This means that any ambiguous parts of a body paragraph should be solved or figured out in the conclusion.